Want to become a Facebook Ads expert? JOIN THE 500+ COMPANIES I HAVE CONSULTED ON SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING AND INCREASED CONVERSIONS FOR VIA FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM ADS! Facebook Marketing is a REQUIRED skill for anyone with a business, product, service, brand, or public figure they need to PROMOTE! Take advantage of this unlimited traffic by creating and selling via FACEBOOK SHOPS and INSTAGRAM SHOPPING! Join our 300,000+ modMBA students who have MASTERED growing online businesses! Enroll in this COMPLETE Facebook Shops Mastery Course! Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now! You get lifetime access to lectures! You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoughtfully! What you will learn in this course is original, tested, and very detailed! Learn the strategies I implement for my clients daily. This course will also layout how to optimize your Facebook Shops enabling you to reach any type of target market! In this course, you will learn the ins and outs of Facebook Shops from beginner level to advanced! We delve deep into EVERY aspect of Facebook Shops and Instagram Shopping. You will be able to create and optimize your Facebook Shops for increased conversions and decreased costs. You will be able to find new customers that will grow your brand to new heights! Join this course now to learn how to take your brand, product, or service to the next level with the power of Facebook Shops! TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND BUSINESS... LEARN HOW FACEBOOK SHOPS AND FACEBOOK ADS WILL MAKE YOUR BUSINESSES A HOUSEHOLD NAME! ENROLL NOW!
    LATEST UPDATE: September, 2016 Entrepreneur's Guide to Driving Highly Targeted Facebook Traffic Do you want to learn how to drive cheap & highly targeted Facebook traffic to your website or blog, increase the amount of visitors, grow your audience and increase your revenue? If you already have a website that needs more visitors instantly without having to spend lots of money on Facebook traffic, then this course will help. Most likely your business has a traffic problem, but we will solve it! We'll show you a traffic technique that works right now. It might not work forever, but it does in this very moment… …and we apply it on a daily basis! Learn how to gain access to more than 1 billion potential customers that are on Facebook everyday, and turn them into your website visitors for only a few cents per click! Get highly targeted & cheap Facebook traffic Walk through the setup of a targeted Facebook campaign Discover a traffic strategy that is working RIGHT NOW Run Facebook campaigns on a tight budget Stop paying $1 per click on Facebook Contents and Overview The key element of cost effective Facebook traffic campaigns is a working strategy. You'll start the course learning how to find your target audience. Unfortunately, 99% of companies don't know who their ideal client or website visitor is. Don't make this deadly mistake. Then you'll discover how to find and craft the best content in your niche market. If you want to attract website visitors, you also need great and relevant content. I'll show you how to find the best pieces of content in your niche market that is proven to work. Next, you'll test which content yields the highest engagement on your fan page. Once we figured that out, I'll walk you through the entire process of setting up a targeted Facebook campaign. If you've never done it, then this course is perfect for you. By the end of the course, you'll be ready drive highly targeted Facebook traffic for cents per click, grow your audience, and convert your visitors into customers. Your business will benefit.
      I’ve recorded and written a brand new course called “Facebook Live Authority”. In this course we’ll go over how to use Facebook Live to engage with your audience, build your brand and sell more of your products. The ability to do Live video on Facebook will be a change for you and your business but gives you the privilege to communicate you and your followers in a different and efficient way! It's truly powerful, and something that anyone remotely interested in conveying a message to others authentically, rapidly and widely should jump on and start to use as soon as possible. You’ll find out and learn: The history of live streaming What makes live streaming so unique What your options are when it comes to creating live content Why Facebook is getting involved and why this is big news for marketers How to get set up with your own Facebook Live account How to build a Facebook page and grow your audience How to create live content for Facebook Tips to make your live videos as engaging and exciting as possible Strategies for monetizing and utilizing live streaming Instructions on how to use advanced features of the platform The future of live streaming and Facebook Live and much more Course also includes: 63-page Ebook on Facebook Live, Top 10 Resources Tools, Checklist, Mindmap, and Resource Cheat Sheet.
        LATEST: Course Updated Join Over Thousands Of Delighted Students On This Amazing Course! ARE YOU READY TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE? DISCOVER HOW I MAKE 4-5 FIGURES PER MONTH ONLINE! Let Me Explain How All Of This Works, Who I Am And, More Importantly, Why You Should Listen To What I Have To Say True (Short) Story Dear Friend, My name is Tony Lucas. You might have not heard of me before, at least if you are not one of my private students. If you bring your mind, your focus, right here, right now, what I am about to reveal to you may change your life forever. Sorry about the cliché, but fortunately it's the plain truth. It has changed my life and that of others. Just give me your hand and let me do the rest. I have been trying to make a living online since 2012. During my first year I tried every possible info product and guide that promised cash on demand. I was a complete newbie, inexperienced and amazed by this whole new world I was discovering. I had the will to succeed, I wanted to make the amounts of money those guides were promising, I was in a desperate need of money and I had the burning desire to turn everything around, to change my life finally, but … nothing seemed to work for me. You name it, I tried it … but after all this, during my first year as an internet marketer aspirant, I was able, in fact, to make $100. Of course, I spent much more than that, nonetheless I had made my first dollar online. That meant that I had something that 95% of those who try to be internet marketers didn't have—I had the ability to make money online. In the same way I made $100, I could make however much money I wanted. That's why I didn't give up, and luckily for me, in the process I picked up a guide on how to make money on Facebook. I thought it would be the same as all the guides out there, but in fact it was the starting point of my life change. Making Money On Facebook Very Soon Became My Field Of Expertise The second year online was unbelievable for me … my life changed forever. I made more than $140,000 and all that came from just managing Facebook pages—but not like everybody else does! ==> Please watch the Earning Proof on Lecture 3 free preview ... As you can see, this is not a super hyped amount above. I am not pretending that I made millions of dollars with the push of a button, no, I am just revealing that these numbers are totally possible—if you simply do the right things that work. REVIEWS by Dan Maynard: Tony's Course Review I recently took this course and it provided excellent insight into getting 1 cent clicks. I was able to achieve 1 cent clicks with Tony's help. And best of all Tony answered all of my questions going beyond what I have experienced in other courses. Tony has a passion for Facebook and teaching it is very apparent given all of the help and support he has provided. Excellent course and support. If you're hesitant about taking this course because of the other Facebook Ads courses available, don't hesitate. I've taken several FB courses on Udemy and this one is by far the best. by Shakeel Learner Most Comprehensive Facebook Course One of the best and most interesting facebook course. Covers all the basic to advance topics beginning from the niche selection, building facebook pages to product selection, conversions and also with screen shot of proof of earning. All great and best information provided at one place it's a bunch of good knowledge and great author support. A complete 7 stars course. Facebook algorithm changes began in December 2013 and affected almost every page by decreasing the reach of their posts. As a matter of fact, a small number of pages didn't feel any change and SURPRISINGLY some of them saw an INCREASE in the reach of their posts. What do these successful pages have that the other pages don't? The answer is simple: They give Facebook what it wants. What does Facebook want? That's why I created THIS COURSE …to reveal to you the exact evergreen secrets and techniques I follow myself to earn 5 figures per month… in the middle of the Facebook algorithm changes era. REVIEWS by Emilou Ilagan Excellent Course on Facebook Thanks, Tony Lucas for your great course on FB. I learned a lot and I highly recommend this course to those with not much knowledge and training on FB. Looking forward to see you more on Udemy! by Grace Samuel Worth the time and money Tony does a great job in delivering exactly what the title says he would. From how your page should look to what and when to post, outsourcing the work and even the images to post, this is facebook marketing at its most efficient. I applied his teaching and now my facebook page is giving me great results! In addition THE COURSE WILL BE UPDATED CONTINUOUSLY WITH THE LATEST METHODS. I Will Reveal Everything To You. You Will Have The Chance To See Some Of My Pages Too. I Will Not Hide Any Of My Niches. There Will Be Nothing Held Back. But it doesn't end here! You Will Also Get… Bonus 1 ✓ Where and how to get the best images to use in your page for free … and never run out of them Bonus 2 ✓ The fastest way to prepare super quality Facebook ad images for free … and be way ahead of your competition After receiving a review copy, a student was asked recently how much this course was worth to him… He was ready to pay $2,000 just for the 2 super ninja methods that make it possible to multiply the number of page likes for the same cost because not only would he be able to master those 2 techniques himself, but he would be also able to earn thousands just by teaching them to others. REVIEWS by Aakash Saxena Outstanding !! Really awesome Course !! I just increased 1000 likes in 4 days. I loved TONY way of analyzing the whole Facebook and AdSense. He explained everything very clearly and simply. A must Course if you are looking for earning on Facebook !! by Varun Sachdev Very nicely done A simple step by step guide on how to make money via FB. Loved it. A friend of mine told me that I would be crazy if I priced this course at less than $297. In fact he is right. The cost of this course will not be under $297 … except here, today . I want to give you an INTRODUCTORY GREAT OFFER so I'm definitely NOT going to charge you anywhere near $2,000, not even $297. Take action today and you'll gain instant-access to this course + the 2 Amazing Bonuses for a low introductory one-time fee of $97. Why? First and foremost, I want to Give Back to this community that has given me so much. Then I want to make sure that every newbie gets access to it. Once, I was a newbie too and I know what it means. Along with the advanced techniques, I have packaged the basic steps into the amazing Facebook world so that everyone gets covered. Then this is a Special Introductory Offer. By setting this cost I make sure to Over Deliver and get happy students. This way, the course will receive great comments and testimonials that will be very useful when the special offer period is over and the course will be set at its real value cost. In fact, at $97 it is a steal and a no brainer. Lock your spot now while it's still available and at its lowest price. Will you take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime killer opportunity now and get this course plus all the bonuses for only $97, or will you wait to suddenly find yourself completely out of luck when it is raised to at least $297? I will let you decide, but I would highly encourage you to order right now and save yourself the agony of defeat. Please don't take this opportunity lightly and let it slip through your fingers. Reserve your spot now…!! P.S. I believe you are able to see the huge opportunity here. This may be the start of your life changing. A pdf guide was the life changing point for me and I truly believe that this much more profound video course with actual examples may be your life changing point. Please … do yourself a favor and try it out. I am sure you'll be amazed! P.P.S. Remember, this isn't about the same old 'techniques' or 'instructions' you've read about so many times before, no… This is new, genuine information that reveals the never before demonstrated evergreen insider secrets that are working right now and that will work forever. P.P.P.S. Honestly, I am not sure how long I will let this Special Offer live before launching it as a higher ticket course. Anyway, whatever your decision is, I wish you best of luck in whatever you do in life.
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          Why should you, as a Shopify store owner, advertise on Facebook? Because nobody knows consumers as good as Facebook. If there’s customers out there for your product - chances are, Facebook will find them! Due to its multi-layer targeting you can target audiences with unheard before laser precision. For example, you want to target females who are also 25-35 years old, who are also speak French, who are also have children, who are also Canadian Citizens, who are also fans of Montreal Canadians and finally who are also currently live in Florida. How awesome is that??! If there’s any number of ladies out here that matches this precise profile, Facebook will show your ad to each and every one of them. It is an every ecomer dream that has become a XXI century reality and it is so unbelievable, it is simply insane. Try to do it with a billboard. The most beautiful thing is that this Facebook capability is immediately available for your use. If you watch or read this, chances are, you have a personal Facebook account, and it would be very easy to add Facebook Business Page that you will use it for all your communications with your brand fans, to add your posts, reply to your followers comments and of cause to create and run your laser precise ads, just as I described above! There’s a stereotype that unless you have huge budged to spend on Facebook advertising, it will not be effective. Though big players do spend impressive amount of cash on Facebook ads every single day, for a person that just starting it should not take much at all. In fact, you can hurt your advertising campaign by giving Facebook too much advertising money, before the pixel on your page figures out who is your buyer. $5 dollars per day is what it takes to start running your ad, which always must be optimized for conversions, even if your ad account is new and your pixel has no or very little data. As your ads runs, and pixel begins to mature, you should be able to see results. That is assuming that you are selling a hot product, that has proved itself with other sellers. Once you start to see sales coming in, you could slowly increase your advertising budget. As your ads reach more people, your page pixel going to accumulate extremely valuable information- before long, you will be able to effectively retarget people that have, in one way or another, seen or interacted with your Facebook and your Shopify store. Facebook ability to retarget is quite amazing- more often than not, ROAS or return on ad spent for retarget ads is significantly higher because you are dealing with warm or even hot traffic. What could that mean to you? The longer you stay in your business, the greater chance of you building a lucrative money-making machine, and Facebook is absolutely instrumental in this process. In this tutorial I will explain just about everything you should know in order to run your Facebook successful advertising campaigns and deliver high quality traffic of customers that are ready to buy from your Shopify store! My Tutorial will teach you all of this and much much more!
            Designed to take you by the hand (as in, step 1, step 2, ...) in an easy to follow video format. You will be able to create Facebook ads that will help you grow awareness for your listings, your real estate services, and your neighborhood real estate expertise. You DO NOT have to have any prior experience in Facebook advertising - we will walk you through step-by-step and show you exactly how to set up, run, and manage your ads for success. Learn how to promote your business and generate leads for a tiny fraction of the cost of traditional marketing (and Zillow) using the world’s most effective social media advertising platform. Facebook Ads has become an unrivaled platform for Real Estate Agents to engage with their target audience. Our course is designed to teach you how to create ads, step-by-step, as well as to show you the different types of ads that have proven VERY SUCCESSFUL for many Real Estate Agents in many local markets. What Is "Facebook Ads for Real Estate Agents"? My proven complete step-by-step system is designed to walk you through how to set up effective Facebook ads to promote your listings, your real estate business, and even events you organize (i.e. open houses, neighborhood garage sales). The clear, straightforward video lessons that will show you exactly how to set up your ads and avoid all the common mistakes that your competitors are doing. Facebook ads for real estate agents is a 14 module video course that I created from scratch for real estate agents that walks you through exactly how to plan, create and launch ads to promote your listings, your business, or community events you're organizing in the most targeted way. We show you exactly how to set up, target, and run your ads. I will walk you through EVERY part of the process in Facebook Ads....planning, creating, launching, and managing your ads! What's Included in The Course: 14 step-by-step modules 2.75 hours of video instruction Login 24/7 (access the course from your desktop or your mobile device at any time) Literally step-by-step instruction. Easy to understand. How Do I Get Started Enrolling in the course is easy! You could spend hours, days, months trying to figure this out yourself and thousands of dollars of ad spend in the learning curve and never know if what you're doing is effective. There are similar courses available, but are taught by instructors who have never closed a real estate transaction, and will cost you double, triple, or even more than our course. Course Overview In this 14 module course you will learn how to create and run successful ads for Real Estate on Facebook. In these modules, you’re going to learn step-by-step how to advertise your listings, your real estate services, or your events on Facebook with very targeted ads. We show you how to plan and implement campaigns with single image ads, carousel ads, and video ads. Module 1: Introduction to Facebook Advertising This module covers: The evolution of Facebook, Business Pages, utilizing offline data for Facebook targeting, value of the news feed, comparison of postcards to Facebook ads, why organic postings to your Facebook page will not help you, and identifying your business objectives. Module 2: Creating a Facebook Page for Business This module covers: Detailed instructions on how to create a Facebook Business Page. If you already have a Facebook Business Page, you will learn about newer features and the importance of having updated information. Module 3: Facebook Ads Basics: The Ad Auction, Campaigns, Ad Sets and Ads This module covers: ad auction basics, how your bid is calculated, how to organize your campaign structure, campaigns, ad sets, ads, and best practices. Module 4: Defining Your Ad Objectives - Facebook Basics This module covers: This is a very important step in running your ads correctly - there are many different objectives you can run within Facebook with your ads - we cover the various campaign objectives and what they mean. Module 5: Creating Ads This module covers: Setting campaign objectives, defining your target audience for your ads, ad placements, setting budgets and schedules, and creative (images, etc.), Module 6: Segmentation - A Key to Successful Advertising on Facebook This module covers: Ad reach, precision, waste, core audiences, ad targeting options (location/geography, demographics, interests, behaviors, connections). This module really highlights how precise you can be with your ad targeting, options that are not possible with traditional marketing efforts (and Zillow). Module 7: Creating a Plan - Successful Campaign Best Practices This module covers: Best practices for direct response ads, choosing the correct campaign goals that align with your overall business objectives, and planning your campaign. Module 8: Managing Your Ads - Understanding Your Results This module covers: What you can accomplish in the ads manager, turning on/off campaigns, ad sets, ads, editing budgets, ad schedules, targeting, bidding, measurement and insights, and management of ads recommendations. Module 9: Promoting a Listing - Single Image Ad This module covers: Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to set up and promote a listing using single image ads and their unique benefits. Module 10: Promoting a Listing - Carousel Ad This module covers: Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to set up and promote a listing using carousel ads. Discussion of the differences between carousel ads and other types of ads. Module 11: Promoting a Listing - Video Ad This module covers: Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to set up and promote a listing using video ads. The reason why video ads are growing at a tremendous pace on Facebook. Module 12: Promoting Your Real Estate Brand This module covers: The benefits of promoting your Real Estate Brand using Ads with detailed step-by-step instructions on building your ad creative. Module 13: Lead Ads This module covers: The how (in detail), what, and why on lead ads. This type of ad can capture leads right within Facebook without having to leave the platform. Module 14: Custom Audiences This module covers: Creating a custom audience, one of the best features of Facebook ads. How to create an ad using custom audience targeting. Who Is "Facebook Ads For Real Estate Agents" For? If you're an established real estate agent, have never used Facebook ads, and want to know how to do it right. If you're a real estate agent currently doing your own Facebook ads, but want to learn more and improve your results. If you're a new real estate agent and have been asking yourself it there's a better way to reach buyers/sellers in your market other than traditional marketing (and Zillow). Frequently Asked Questions When does the course start and finish? The course starts immediately and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course. You can watch the course in any order you want, or binge watch them all. How long do I have access to the course? You have lifetime access! After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any devices. How up to date is the course? Very up to date! The course was completed in August 2017 and updated February 2018!
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              If you want to learn Facebook application development completely from the start and ground-up , then this is the course for you. It is a perfect course for beginners to start out with the best. In this course you will learn the best and innovative way to learn Facebook application development. Unlike other courses in the market, this course doesn't focus on quantity but quality with innovation. The course contents are simple and clear and will give you a good understanding scenario of Facebook application development In the current era of technology , if you want to earn money and want to be successful , then you can join this course which would help you to learn all the techniques and methods that are required to build an app for Facebook and then you would be able to earn money on the app you have created. This course contains how you can setup and configure a free way to create Facebook application unlike in other courses in the market which always show you the premium way of creating Facebook apps. This course would introduce you to Open Graph API , which is the core part of Facebook application development and would teach you how to access Facebook user's data via Open Graph of Facebook FQL is introduced in this course , which helps you out to select user's data from Facebook database and in this course it has been taught perfectly with examples. So don't think too much, you can always refund your money, if you don't like this course . Don't miss the chance and grab it.
                Boost your campaign's performance with 25% on average, to peaks far above 300% ! With inside information from an official Facebook Marketing Partner , you'll learn everything about how to optimise your Facebook & Instagram campaigns, your ad sets, budget, ad creatives and bidding. Everything is detailed in step by step instructions and live demos. I'll personally guarantee you that you will earn back the fee of this course OR YOU WILL GET YOUR MONEY BACK! Why should you take this course? If your campaigns didn't reach their desired result If you have campaigns which are mysteriously not "running" If you feel your current costs per conversion are too high If you want to get more results from your campaigns with the same budget If you want to advice clients, friends and family on optimising their Facebook & Instagram campaigns. If you want to go hands on with a Facebook Marketing Partner! How is this course structured? This course is designed in such a way that even if you have never optimised a Facebook or Instagram campaign, that you'll still be able to become an expert in less than an hour. We'll start with talking about ad set budgets and how to optimise them I'll explain you how to set up a solid testing structure You'll learn how to set up and adjust your optimisation in ads manager & power editor You'll learn why you need multiple ad creatives to prevent your campaign from loosing money You'll learn all about optimising your bidding strategy and we go hands on in ads manager
                  *THE ONLY COURSE ON UDEMY DEDICATED TO HELPING YOU OUTSMART THE FACEBOOK ALGORITHM UPDATES* Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now! A lot has changed with Facebook marketing - this course will tell you what is really happening with the Facebook algorithm and how to get your content seen. Don’t risk not knowing – your page could get penalised by Facebook without knowing about these updates and how to maximise your social media marketing. Learn how to get ahead of your competition. Facebook algorithm changes will impact your social media marketing, and everyone using Facebook – get ahead of your competition with this 10 researched, proven and Facebook approved tips, tricks and strategies for success. In this course, you will grow your understanding of the Facebook algorithm changes from beginner level to advanced! ------ Facebook regularly updates its way of working, but a major change to the newsfeed was made that affects you, impacts Facebook marketers and users everywhere. This has been called the ‘Facebook Apocalypse – the end of days for Facebook organic traffic’ by social media experts. Analysing Facebook’s algorithm updates to find the secrets for success - I’ll show you how to overcome these challenges and give you proven methods, comprehensive strategies and techniques to make your social media marketing a success and fight back against the Facebook apocalypse. --------- Ready to maximise your marketing and get your voice heard in a crowded marketplace? Join the ONLY course on Udemy dedicated to helping you understand the Facebook algorithm changes, with tips, tools, and strategies to make your Facebook marketing a success. Totally free lifetime access to all updates included! There are over 2 billion users on Facebook, checking Facebook on average 14 times a day – marketing on this channel is an opportunity that you can’t afford to miss out on – but you have to do it right or risk FACEBOOK ZERO – with zero organic reach and no-one seeing your posts. What does this course give you? Introduction to the Facebook Algorithm The knowledge to beat Facebook Newsfeed updates The 10 key ways to fight Facebook updates Know how to avoid being penalised by Facebook Tips to get ahead of your competitors using advanced Facebook features Clever Social UK Expert to answer your questions Know how to stand out from the crowd with the latest social media marketing methods BONUS RESOURCE: Social Media Marketing Calendar 2018 template BONUS RESOURCE: Checklist – Maximise your Marketing BONUS RESOURCE: Guide - 10 Ways To Boost Your Reach On A Budget Make the most of social media marketing with this clear, concise and easy to understand course. Take it at your own pace and become a Facebook algorithm expert. Utilise my free resources; including my most valuable template that I use on a daily basis, my Social Media Calendar template 2018, to help you plan the perfect posts. *Certificate of completion* Students who complete this course will receive a certificate of completion from Udemy. This free certificate in association Clever Social UK can be added to your website, LinkedIn and CV. *30 Day Money Back Guarantee* Udemy provides a full money back guarantee for 30 days after purchase of this course, so if you’re not happy you can request your money back. *Next step to success* Click the ‘Take this course’ button and get started on becoming a Facebook algorithm expert, get ahead of your competitors and maximise your social media marketing today!
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                    These nail courses are for beginners who want to learn how to perform a manicure and make money with it! Maybe you are tired of your 9 to 5 job? Do you want to spend more quality time with your child or want to make more money to be able to afford all the things you want? Then these courses are for you! Lecture 1 You will learn how to calculate your monthly income based on your working hours and the rate you charge per manicure. By performing basic calculations, you have the opportunity to calculate how much you will be able to earn each month! Priece per manicure X clients per day X working days in a month = monthly income Price per manicure (depends on city you are located and average market prices. It could be between 20 – 50 €/$) Clients per day (how many hours are you wiling to work. It could be from 8 to 12 clients per day) Working days in a month (depends if you accept clients during weekends or not. 20 - 30 days per month) Income calculation: Level 1 → 20 * 8 * 20 = 3200 €/$ per month Level 2 → 35 * 10 * 25 = 8750 €/$ per month Level 3 → 50 * 12 * 30 = 18000 €/$ per month Expenses calculation: Gel Top coat and base gel: 15-30 €/$ per month 50 Pcs Gel Nail Polish Kit 90 -180 €/$ per month Acetone + cotton pads + foil 40-80 €/$ per month Disinfectant + hand cream  = 40 €/$ per month Tolls 35-70 per month. Rent 0 €/$ ( work from home) – 300-1000 €/$ if you rent a place for salon. Extras like coffee/tea for clients. 15-50 €/$ Other expenses 40-80 €/$ Total monthly expenses : from 275 €/$ working from home to 830 €/$ with cheap rent or 1530 €/$ with more expensive rent Marketing expenses for the first few months to get your client base: 5-18 €/$ for a new client Marketing model that works great for customer acquisition in this kind of business Give 50% discount for client who recommends you via Facebook and Instagram. Lecture 2-3-4 Removing different kinds of nail polish Lecture 5-6 Applying different kinds of nail polish Lecture 7 Cleaning and Disinfecting tools Lecture 8-9 Facebook and Instagram marketing to get your firs 100 clients